Non-Volatile, Solid-State Memories
Basic Performance Measurements of the Intel Optane DC Persistent
Memory Module Joseph Izraelevitz, Jian Yang, Lu Zhang, Juno Kim, Xiao Liu, Amirsaman Memaripour, Yun Joon Soh, Zixuan Wang, Yi Xu, Subramanya R. Dulloor, Jishen Zhao, and Steven Swanson
CoRR abs/1903.05714, 2019 .
An Empirical Guide to the Behavior and Use of Scalable Persistent
Memory Jian Yang, Juno Kim, Morteza Hoseinzadeh, Joseph Izraelevitz, and Steven Swanson
CoRR abs/1908.03583, 2019 .
Redesigning File Systems for Nonvolatile Main Memory Steven Swanson
IEEE Micro 39(1):62-64, 2019 .
Programmable solid-state storage in future cloud datacenters Jaeyoung Do, Sudipta Sengupta, and Steven Swanson
Commun. ACM 62(6):54-62, 2019 .
Finding and Fixing Performance Pathologies in Persistent Memory Software
Stacks Jian Xu, Juno Kim, Amirsaman Memaripour, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS
2019, Providence, RI, USA, April 13-17, 2019 , 2019.
Pangolin: A Fault-Tolerant Persistent Memory Programming Library Lu Zhang and Steven Swanson
2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, USENIX ATC 2019, Renton,
WA, USA, July 10-12, 2019 , 2019.
Orion: A Distributed File System for Non-Volatile Main Memory and
RDMA-Capable Networks Jian Yang, Joseph Izraelevitz, and Steven Swanson
17th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, FAST
2019, Boston, MA, February 25-28, 2019. , 2019.
Ziggurat: A Tiered File System for Non-Volatile Main Memories and
Disks Shengan Zheng, Morteza Hoseinzadeh, and Steven Swanson
17th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, FAST
2019, Boston, MA, February 25-28, 2019. , 2019.
Hyperloop: group-based NIC-offloading to accelerate replicated transactions
in multi-tenant storage systems Daehyeok Kim, Amirsaman Memaripour, Anirudh Badam, Yibo Zhu, Hongqiang Harry Liu, Jitu Padhye, Shachar Raindel, Steven Swanson , Vyas Sekar, and Srinivasan Seshan
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group
on Data Communication, SIGCOMM 2018, Budapest, Hungary, August 20-25,
2018 , 2018.
Breeze: User-Level Access to Non-Volatile Main Memories for Legacy
Software Amirsaman Memaripour and Steven Swanson
36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2018,
Orlando, FL, USA, October 7-10, 2018 , 2018.
Vorpal: Vector Clock Ordering For Large Persistent Memory Systems Kunal Korgaonkar, Joseph Izraelevitz, Jishen Zhao, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed
Computing, PODC 2019, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 29 - August 2, 2019. , 2019.
NOVA-Fortis: A Fault-Tolerant Non-Volatile Main Memory File System Jian Xu, Lu Zhang, Amirsaman Memaripour, Akshatha Gangadharaiah, Amit Borase, Tamires Brito Da Silva, Steven Swanson , and Andy Rudoff
Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles , 2017.
AutoTiering: Automatic data placement manager in multi-tier all-flash datacenter Z. Yang, M. Hoseinzadeh, A. Andrews, C. Mayers, D. T. Evans, R. T. Bolt, J. Bhimani, N. Mi, and S. Swanson
2017 IEEE 36th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC) , 2017.
H-NVMe: A hybrid framework of NVMe-based storage system in cloud computing environment Z. Yang, M. Hoseinzadeh, P. Wong, J. Artoux, C. Mayers, D. T. Evans, R. T. Bolt, J. Bhimani, N. Mi, and S. Swanson
2017 IEEE 36th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC) , 2017.
Atomic In-place Updates for Non-volatile Main Memories with Kamino-Tx Amirsaman Memaripour, Anirudh Badam, Amar Phanishayee, Yanqi Zhou, Ramnatthan Alagappan, Karin Strauss, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Computer Systems , 2017.
KAML: A Flexible, High-Performance Key-Value SSD Y. Jin, H. W. Tseng , Y. Papakonstantinou, and S. Swanson
2017 IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) , 2017.
NOVA: A Log-Structured File System for Hybrid Volatile/Non-Volatile Main Memories Jian Xu and Steven Swanson
USENIX ;login: 41(3):323-338, 2016 .
SSD In-Storage Computing for Search Engines Jianguo Wang, Dongchul Park, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson
IEEE Trans. Computers , 2016 .
Morpheus: Creating Application Objects Efficiently for Heterogeneous Computing Hung-Wei Tseng , Qianchen Zhao, Yuxiao Zhou, Mark Gahagan, and Steven Swanson
43rd Internional Symposium on Computer Architecture , 2016.
NOVA: A Log-structured File System for Hybrid Volatile/Non-volatile Main Memories Jian Xu and Steven Swanson
14th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 16) , 2016.
The Non-Volatile Memory Technology Database (NVMDB) Kosuke Suzuki and Steven Swanson
Department of Computer Science amp; Engineering,
University of California, San Diego technical report CS2015-1011, May 2015 . ( ).
A study of application performance with non-volatile main memory Yiying Zhang and Steven Swanson
Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST), 2015 31st Symposium on , 2015.
Mojim: A Reliable and Highly-Available Non-Volatile Memory System Yiying Zhang, Jian Yang, Amirsaman Memaripour, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems , 2015.
A survey of trends in non-volatile memory technologies: 2000-2014 Kosuke Suzuki and Steven Swanson
Memory Workshop (IMW), 2015 IEEE International , 2015.
Willow: A User-Programmable SSD Sudharsan Seshadri, Mark Gahagan, Sundaram Bhaskaran , Trevor Bunker, Arup De, Yanqin Jin, Yang Liu, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '14) , 2014.
I/O Speculation for the Microsecond Era Michael Wei , Matias Bjrling, Philippe Bonnet, and Steven Swanson
2014 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 14) , 2014.
DC Express: Shortest Latency Protocol for Reading Phase Change Memory over PCI Express Dejan Vucini´c, Qingbo Wang, Cyril Guyot, Robert Mateescu, Filip Blagojevi´c, Luiz Franca-Neto, Damien Le Moal, Trevor Bunker, Jian Xu, Steven Swanson , and Zvonimir Bandi´c
Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies , 2014.
NSF expedition on variability-aware software: Recent results and contributions Lucas Wanner, Liangzhen Lai, Abbas Rahimi, Mark Gottscho, Pietro Mercati, Chu-Hsiang Huang, Frederic Sala, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lara Dolecek, Nikil Dutt, Puneet Gupta , Rajesh Gupta , Ranjit Jhala, Rakesh Kumar, Sorin Lerner, Subhasish Mitra, Alexandru Nicolau, Tajana Simunic Rosing, Mani B. Srivastava, Steve Swanson , Dennis Sylvester, and Yuanyuan Zhou
Information Technology 57:181-198 .
Near-Data Processing: Insights from a MICRO-46 Workshop Rajeev Balasubramonian, Jichuan Chang, Troy Manning, Jaime H. Moreno, Richard Murphy, Ravi Nair, and Steven Swanson
Micro, IEEE 34(4):36-42, July 2014 .
Refactor, Reduce, Recycle: Restructuring the I/O Stack for the Future of Storage Steven Swanson and Adrian M. Caulfield
Computer 46(8):52-59, 2013 .
From ARIES to MARS:Transaction Support for Next-Generation Solid-State Drives Joel Coburn , Trevor Bunker, Meir Shwarz, Rajesh K. Gupta , and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) , 2013.
The Harey Tortoise: Managing Heterogeneous Write Performance in SSDs Laura M. Grupp , John D. Davis, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 2013 USENIX Annual Technical Conference , 2013.
BankShot: Caching Slow Storage in Fast Non-Volatile Memory Meenakshi Sundaram Bhaskaran , Jian Xu, and Steven Swanson
1st Workshop on Interactions of NVM/Flash with Operating Systems and Workloads , 2013.
Modeling Power Consumption of NAND Flash Memories Using FlashPower V. Mohan, T. Bunker, L. Grupp , S. Gurumurthi, M.R. Stan, and S. Swanson
Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on 32(7):1031-1044, 2013 .
QuickSAN: A Storage Area Network for Fast, Distributed, Solid State Disks Adrian M. Caulfield and Steven Swanson
ISCA '13: Proceeding of the 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture , 2013.
Latency-Optimized Networks for Clustering FPGAs Trevor Bunker and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM 2013) .
Minerva: Accelerating Data Analysis in Next-Generation SSDs Arup De, Maya Gokhale, Rajesh Gupta , and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines , 2013.
Welcome to the Entropics: Boot-Time Entropy in Embedded Devices Keaton Mowery, Michael Wei , David Kohlbrenner, Hovav Shacham, and Steven Swanson
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland 2013) .
Underpowering NAND Flash: Profits and Perils Hung-Wei Tseng , Laura M. Grupp , and Steven Swanson
50th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2013) , 2013.
Tackling Intracell Variability in TLC Flash Through Tensor
Product Codes Ryan Gabrys, Eitan Yaakobi , Laura M. Grupp , Steven Swanson , and Lara Dolecek
International Symposium on Information Theory , 2012.
The Bleak Future of NAND Flash Memory Laura M. Grupp , John D. Davis, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 10th USENIX conference on file and
storage technologies , 2012.
Providing Safe, User Space Access to Fast, Solid State Disks Adrian M. Caulfield , Todor I. Mollov, Louis Eisner , Arup De, Joel Coburn , and Steven Swanson
Proceeding of the 17th international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems , 2012.
Characterization and Error-Correcting Codes for TLC Flash Memories Eitan Yaakobi , Laura Grupp , Paul H. Siegel , Steven Swanson , and Jack K. Wolf
International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Data Storage Technology and Applications Symposium , 2012.
Tackling Temporal Variability in Multilevel Flash: New Error-Control Code Design and Architectural Validation Ryan Gabrys, Laura Grupp , Steven Swanson , and Lara Dolecek
Invited Talk, Forty-Ninth Annual Allerton Conference .
Onyx: A Prototype Phase-Change Memory Storage Array Ameen Akel, Adrian M. Caulfield , Todor I. Mollov, Rajesh K. Gupta , and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX conference on Hot topics in storage and file systems , 2011.
Extracting Device Fingerprints from Flash Memory by Exploiting Physical Variations Pravin Prabhu, Ameen Akel, Laura Grupp , Wing-Key Yu, G. Edward Suh, Edwin Kan, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing , 2011.
Understanding the Impact of Power Loss on Flash Memory Hung-Wei Tseng , Laura M. Grupp , and Steven Swanson
48th Design Automation Conference (DAC 2011) , 2011.
Reliably Erasing Data From Flash-based Solid State Drives Michael Wei , Laura M. Grupp , Frederick E. Spada, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on File and storage technologies , 2011.
NV-Heaps: Making Persistent Objects Fast and Safe With Next-Generation, Non-Volatile Memories Joel Coburn , Adrian M. Caulfield , Ameen Akel, Laura M. Grupp , Rajesh K. Gupta , Ranjit Jhala, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the sixteenth international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems , 2011.
Moneta: A High-Performance Storage Array Architecture for Next-Generation, Non-volatile Memories Adrian M. Caulfield , Arup De, Joel Coburn , Todor I. Mollov, Rajesh K. Gupta , and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 2010 43rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture , 2010.
Understanding the Impact of Emerging Non-Volatile Memories on High-Performance, IO-Intensive Computing Adrian M. Caulfield , Joel Coburn , Toder I. Mollov, Arup De, Ameen Akel, Jiahua He, Arun Jagatheesan, Rajesh K. Gupta , Allan Snavely, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis , 2010. (Nominated for Best Technical Student Paper ).
Rethinking Flash in the Data Center David G. Andersen and Steven Swanson
IEEE Micro 30(4):52 -54, july-aug. 2010 .
Characterizing flash memory: anomalies, observations, and applications Laura M. Grupp , Adrian M. Caulfield , Joel Coburn , Steven Swanson , Eitan Yaakobi , Paul H. Siegel , and Jack K. Wolf
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture , 2009.
Gordon: An Improved Architecture for Data-Intensive Applications Adrian M. Caulfield , Laura M. Grupp , and Steven Swanson
IEEE Micro 30:121-130, 2010 . (IEEE Micro Top Picks ).
Gordon: using flash memory to build fast, power-efficient clusters for data-intensive applications Adrian M. Caulfield , Laura M. Grupp , and Steven Swanson
ASPLOS '09: Proceeding of the 14th international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems , 2009. (Selected as an IEEE Micro TopPick ).
BlueSSD: An Open Platform for Cross-layer Experiments for NAND Flash-based SSDs Sungjin Lee, Kermin Fleming, Jihoon Park, Keonsoo Ha, Adrian M. Caulfield , Steven Swanson , Arvind, and Jihong Kim
The 5th Workshop on Architectural Research Prototyping , 2010.
Error Characterization and Coding Schemes for Flash Memories Eitan Yaakobi , Paul H. Siegel , Steven Swanson , Jack Wolf , Laura Grupp , and Jing Ma
IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Application of Communication Theory to
Emerging Memory Technologies (ACTEMT 2010) .
Beyond the Datasheet: Using Test Beds to Probe Non-Volatile Memories'
Dark Secrets Laura Grupp , Adrian M. Caulfield , Joel Coburn , John Davis, and Steven Swanson
IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Application of Communication Theory to
Emerging Memory Technologies (ACTEMT 2010) .
Destroying Flash Memory-Based Storage Devices Steven Swanson
Unviersity of California, San Diego Computer Science amp; Engineering technical report cs2011-0968 .
SAFE: Fast, Verifiable Sanitization for SSDs Michael Wei and Steven Swanson
Unviersity of California, San Diego Computer Science amp; Engineering technical report cs2011-0963 .
Gullfoss: Accelerating and Simplifying Data Movement among Heterogeneous Computing and Storage Resources Hung-Wei Tseng , Yang Liu, Mark Gahagan, Jing Li, Yanqin Jin, and Steven Swanson
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego technical report technical report CS2015-1015, 2015 .
Ming II: A Flexible Platform for NAND Flash-based Research Trevor Bunker, Michael Wei , and Steven Swanson
Department of Computer Science amp; Engineering, University of California, San Diego technical report CS2012-0978, May 2012 .
From ARIES to MARS: Reengineering Transaction Management for Next-Generation, Solid-State Drives Rajesh K. Gupta Joel Coburn, Trevor Bunker and Steven Swanson
Department of Computer Science amp; Engineering, University of California, San Diego technical report CS2012-0981, June 2012 .
Quill: Exploiting Fast Non-Volatile Memory by Transparently Bypassing the File System Louis Alex Eisner , Todor Mollov, and Steven Swanson
Department of Computer Science amp; Engineering, University of California, San Diego technical report CS2013-0991, Jan 2013 .
Fast, Flexible Support for Transactions in a Next-Generation, Solid-State, Storage Array Joel Coburn , Trevor Bunker, Rajesh K. Gupta , and Steven Swanson
2012 Non-Volatile Memories Workshop , 2012.
Moneta: A High-performance Storage Array Architecture for Next-generation, Non-volatile Memories Adrian M. Caulfield , Arup De, Joel Coburn , Todor I. Mollov, Rajesh K. Gupta , and Steven Swanson
2011 Non-Volatile Memories Workshop , 2011.
Characterizing flash memory: anomalies, observations, and applications Laura M. Grupp , Adrian M. Caulfield , Joel Coburn , Steven Swanson , Eitan Yaakobi , Paul H. Siegel , and Jack K. Wolf
2010 Non-Volatile Memories Workshop , 2010.
New Abstractions for Fast, Non-Volatile Storage Joel Coburn , Adrian Caulfield , Laura M. Grupp , Ameen Akel, and Steven Swanson
2010 Non-Volatile Memories Workshop , 2010.
MILC: Inverted List Compression in Memory Jianguo Wang, Chunbin Lin, Ruining He, Moojin Chae, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson
Proc. VLDB Endow. 10(8):853-864, April 2017 .
An Experimental Study of Bitmap Compression vs. Inverted List Compression Jianguo Wang, Chunbin Lin, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data , 2017.
SSD in-storage computing for list intersection Jianguo Wang, Dongchul Park, Yang-Suk Kee, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Data Management
on New Hardware, DaMoN 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 27, 2016 , 2016.
SSD In-Storage Computing for Search Engines Jianguo Wang, Dongchul Park, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson
IEEE Trans. Computers , 2016 .
Distributed Computing
vCorfu: A Cloud-Scale Object Store on a Shared Log Michael Wei , Amy Tai, Christopher J. Rossbach, Ittai Abraham, Maithem Munshed, Medhavi Dhawan, Jim Stabile, Udi Wieder, Scott Fritchie, Steven Swanson , Michael J. Freedman, and Dahlia Malkhi
14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 17) , 2017.
vCorfu: A Cloud-scale Object Store on a Shared Log Michael Wei , Amy Tai, Christopher J. Rossbach, Ittai Abraham, Maithem Munshed, Medhavi Dhawan, Jim Stabile, Udi Wieder, Scott Fritchie, Steven Swanson , Michael J. Freedman, and Dahlia Malkhi
Proceedings of the 14th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation , 2017.
Silver: A Scalable, Distributed, Multi-versioning, Always Growing (Ag) File System. Michael Wei , Christopher J Rossbach, Ittai Abraham, Udi Wieder, Steven Swanson , Dahlia Malkhi, and Amy Tai
HotStorage , 2016.
Heterogenous Computing
Summarizer: trading communication with computing near storage Gunjae Koo, Kiran Kumar Matam, HV Narra, Jing Li, Hung-Wei Tseng , Steven Swanson , Murali Annavaram, and others
Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture , 2017.
HippogriffDB: Balancing I/O and GPU Bandwidth in Big Data Analytics Jing Li, Hung-Wei Tseng , Chunbin Lin, Yannis Papakonstantinou, and Steven Swanson
Proc. VLDB Endow. 9(14):1647-1658, October 2016 .
Hippogriff: Efficiently Moving Data in Heterogeneous Computing Systems Yang Liu, Hung-wei Tseng , Mark Gahagan, Jing Li, and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design , 2016.
SPMario: Scale up MapReduce with I/O-Oriented Scheduling for the GPU Yang Liu, Hung-Wei Tseng , and Steven Swanson
34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2016,
Scottsdale, AZ, USA, October 2-5, 2016 , 2016.
Morpheus: Creating Application Objects Efficiently for Heterogeneous Computing Hung-Wei Tseng , Qianchen Zhao, Yuxiao Zhou, Mark Gahagan, and Steven Swanson
43rd Internional Symposium on Computer Architecture , 2016.
Gullfoss: Accelerating and Simplifying Data Movement among Heterogeneous Computing and Storage Resources Hung-Wei Tseng , Yang Liu, Mark Gahagan, Jing Li, Yanqin Jin, and Steven Swanson
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego technical report technical report CS2015-1015, 2015 .
Dark Silicon and Low-Power Computing
NSF expedition on variability-aware software: Recent results and contributions Lucas Wanner, Liangzhen Lai, Abbas Rahimi, Mark Gottscho, Pietro Mercati, Chu-Hsiang Huang, Frederic Sala, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lara Dolecek, Nikil Dutt, and others
it-Information Technology 57(3):181-198, 2015 .
Exploring Energy Scalability in Coprocessor-Dominated Architectures for Dark Silicon Qiaoshi Zheng, Nathan Goulding-Hotta , Scott Ricketts, Steven Swanson , Michael Bedford Taylor , and Jack Sampson
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst. 13(4s):130:1-130:24, April 2014 .
QsCores: Configurable Co-processors to Trade Dark Silicon for Energy Efficiency in a Scalable Manner Ganesh Venkatesh , John Sampson , Nathan Goulding , Sravanthi Kota Venkata, Steven Swanson , and Michael Taylor
Proceedings of The 44th International Symposium on Microarchitecture , 2011.
An Evaluation of Selective Depipelining for FPGA-based Energy-Reducing Irregular Code Coprocessors Jack Sampson , Manish Arora , Nathan Goulding-Hotta , Ganesh Venkatesh , Jonathan Babb, Vikram Bhatt, Steven Swanson , and Michael Bedford Taylor
2011 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications , 2011.
GreenDroid: Exploring the next evolution in smartphone application processors Steven Swanson and Michael Bedford Taylor
Communications Magazine, IEEE 49(4):112-119, April 2011 .
Reducing the Energy Cost of Irregular Code Bases in Soft Processor Systems Manish Arora , Jack Sampson , Nathan Goulding-Hotta , Jonathan Babb, Ganesh Venkatesh , Michael Bedford Taylor , and Steven Swanson
Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, Annual IEEE Symposium on :210-213, 2011 .
The GreenDroid Mobile Application Processor: An Architecture for Silicon's Dark Future Nathan Goulding-Hotta , Jack Sampson , Ganesh Venkatesh , Saturnino Garcia, Joeseph Auricchio , Po-Chao Huang, Manish Arora , Siddhartha Nath, Vikram Bhatt, Jonathan Babb, Steven Swanson , and Michael Bedford Taylor
Micro, IEEE 31(2):86-95, march-april 2011 .
Efficient Complex Operators for Irregular Codes Jack Sampson , Ganesh Venkatesh , Nathan Goulding , Saturnino Garcia, Steven Swanson , and Michael Bedford Taylor
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer
Architecture Conference (HPCA 17) , 2011.
Conservation cores: reducing the energy of mature computations Ganesh Venkatesh , Jack Sampson , Nathan Goulding , Saturnino Garcia, Vladyslav Bryksin, Jose Lugo-Martinez, Steven Swanson , and Michael Bedford Taylor
Proceedings of the fifteenth edition of ASPLOS on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems , 2010.
GreenDroid: A Mobile Application Processor for a Future of Dark Silicon Nathan Goulding , Jack Sampson , Ganesh Venkatesh , Saturnino Garcia, Joe Auricchio , Jonathan Babb, Michael Taylor , and Steven Swanson
Proceedings of HotChips , 2010.
Managing Variability
Underdesigned and Opportunistic Computing in Presence of Hardware Variability P. Gupta , Y. Agarwal, L. Dolecek, N. Dutt, R.K. Gupta , R. Kumar, S. Mitra, A. Nicolau, T.S. Rosing, M.B. Srivastava, S. Swanson , and D. Sylvester
Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on 32(1):8-23, jan. 2013 .
Tackling Intracell Variability in TLC Flash Through Tensor
Product Codes Ryan Gabrys, Eitan Yaakobi , Laura M. Grupp , Steven Swanson , and Lara Dolecek
International Symposium on Information Theory , 2012.
Tackling Temporal Variability in Multilevel Flash: New Error-Control Code Design and Architectural Validation Ryan Gabrys, Laura Grupp , Steven Swanson , and Lara Dolecek
Invited Talk, Forty-Ninth Annual Allerton Conference .
Threads & Threading
Load-Balanced Pipeline Parallelism MD Kamruzzaman, Steven Swanson , and Dean Tullsen
Proceedings of the Supercomputing '13 , 2013.
Underclocked Software Prefetching: More Cores, Less Energy Md kamruzzaman, Steven Swanson , and Dean M. Tullsen
IEEE Micro 32(4):32-41, July 2012 .
Coalition Threading: Combining Traditional and Non-Traditional Parallelism to Maximize Scalability Md Kamruzzaman, Steven Swanson , and Dean M. Tullsen
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques , 2012.
Inter-core prefetching for multicore processors using migrating helper threads Md Kamruzzaman, Steven Swanson , and Dean M. Tullsen
Proceedings of the sixteenth international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems , 2011.
Software data spreading: leveraging distributed caches to improve single thread performance Md Kamruzzaman, Steven Swanson , and Dean M. Tullsen
Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation , 2010.
An evaluation of speculative instruction execution on simultaneous multithreaded processors Steven Swanson , Luke K. McDowell, Michael M. Swift, Susan J. Eggers, and Henry M. Levy
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 21(3):314-340, 2003 .
Scalable Dataflow Architectures
The WaveScalar Architecture Steven Swanson
Ph.D. thesis, University of California, San Diego, 2006 .
WaveScalar Steven Swanson , Ken Michelson, Andrew Schwerin, and Mark Oskin
Proceedings of the 36th annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture , 2003.
Area-Performance Trade-offs in Tiled Dataflow Architectures Steven Swanson , Anderw Putnam, Martha Mercaldi, Ken Michelson, Andrew Petersen, Andrew Schwerin, Mark Oskin, and Susan J. Eggers
Proceedings of the 33rd annual international symposium on Computer Architecture , 2006.
The WaveScalar Architecture Steven Swanson , Andrew Schwerin, Martha Mercaldi, Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam, Ken Michelson, Mark Oskin, and Susan J. Eggers
ACM Transactions Computer Systems 25(2):4, 2007 .
Instruction scheduling for a tiled dataflow architecture Martha Mercaldi, Steven Swanson , Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam, Andrew Schwerin, Mark Oskin, and Susan J. Eggers
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems , 2006.
Reducing control overhead in dataflow architectures Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam, Martha Mercaldi, Andrew Schwerin, Susan J. Eggers, Steven Swanson , and Mark Oskin
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques , 2006.
Modeling instruction placement on a spatial architecture Martha Mercaldi, Steven Swanson , Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam, Andrew Schwerin, Mark Oskin, and Susan J. Eggers
Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures , 2006.
Towards a Universal Building Block of Molecular and Silicon Computation Steven Swanson and Mark Oskin
Workshop on Non-Silicon Computing , 2002.
Dataflow: The Road Less Complex Steven Swanson , Ken Michelson, Andrew Schwerin, and Mark Oskin
Workshop on Complexity-effective Design , 2003.
Configuration by Combustion: Online Simulated Annealing for Dynamic Hardware Configuration Steven Swanson , Ken Michelson, and Mark Oskin
ASPLOS X Wild and Crazy Idea Session , 2002.
The Microarchitecture of a Pipelined WaveScalar Processor: An RTL-Based study Andrew Putnam, Steven Swanson , Ken Michelson, Martha Mercaldi, Andrew Petersen, Andrew Schwerin, Mark Oskin, and Susan J. Eggers
Unviversity of Washington Computer Science amp; Engineering technical report TR-2005-11-02, 2005 .
Balancing Parallelism and Sequentiality in Dataflow Models: Wave-ordered Memory Steven Swanson , Martha Mercaldi, Andrew Petersen, Andrew Putnam, Andrew Schwerin, Mark Oskin, and Susan J. Eggers
Unviersity of Washington Computer Science amp; Engineering technical report TR-2005-10-03, 2005 .
Ubiquitous Computing
System support for pervasive applications Robert Grimm, Janet Davis, Eric Lemar, Adam Macbeth, Steven Swanson , Thomas Anderson, Brian Bershad, Gaetano Borriello, Steven Gribble, and David Wetherall
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 22(4):421-486, 2004 .
System-level Programming Abstractions for Ubiquitous Computing Robert Grimm, Janet Davis, Eric Lemar, Adam MacBeth, Steven Swanson , Tom Anderson, Brian Bershad, Gaetano Borriello, Steven Gribble, and David Wetherall
Workshop on Application Models and Programming Tools for Ubiquitous Computing , 2001.
Programming for Pervasive Computing Environments Robert Grimm, Janet Davis, Eric Lemar, Adam MacBeth, Steven Swanson , Tom Anderson, Brian Bershad, Gaetano Borriello, Steven Gribble, and David Wetherall
Unviersity of Washington Computer Science amp; Engineering technical report UW-CSE-01-06-01, 2001 .
Systems Directions for Pervasive Computing Robert Grimm, Janet Davis, Eric Lemar, Adam MacBeth, Steven Swanson , Tom Anderson, Brian Bershad, Gaetano Borriello, Steven Gribble, and David Wetherall
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems , 2001.